Preparations of Freshwater Aquarius
To predispose the Aquarius;
To install the accessories
Ordinary maintenance
Chemistry of the Aquarius
Ph acidity
Carbonatica hardness Kh
Hardness Gh total
Nitrites Not2
Nitrates Not3
The cycle of nitrogen
1 - To predispose the Aquarius
To place the Aquarius far away from heat sources and to avoid the direct irradiation of the solar light;
to verify with one levels that the Aquarius turns out perfectly in plan;
to accurately clean up superficial inner with warm water and the vinegar, in order to remove eventual residual of the working.
2 - To install the accessories
3 - Leaking furnishing and materials
To predispose the materials leaking in the filter respecting the outline
to distribute on the bottom of the bathtub the mixture fertilizer to long duration;
to wash the sand and to arrange it on the bottom;
to posizionare the furnishing, cliffs, woods, background, etc,
4 - Filling and putting in function
To fill up slowly the bathtub for half, being made attention not to raise the sand on the bottom;
to insert the plants cutting the leaves ruined and dulling for approximately 2/3 the roots;
to complete the filling of the bathtub;
to add the biocondizionatore, the fertilizer and the bioattivatore;
to connect the system of co2;
to activate the pump, the termoriscaldatore (setting up the temperature on 25°);
to regulate timer the lights from a minimum of 8 hours to a maximum of 12 hours to the light day;
to control that all functions perfectly.
After approximately 2 weeks from the putting in function of the bathtub controlling the values of the water (ph, kh, gh, no2), if they re-enter in the values from we wishes to you we can introduce the first fish.
In order to introduce the fish to proceed as it follows:
to extinguish the light of the Aquarius and to open the transport bag;
to attend 5 minuteren
to slowly pour little water of the Aquarius in the envelope;
to repeat this the operation for 10 times approximately, 1 time to the minute;
to attend 5 minuteren;
with a retino to fish the fish delicately the envelope and to insert them in the Aquarius, the water of the envelope does not have to be poured in the Aquarius.
to attend 1 hour approximately, therefore to ignite the light.
Every day:
to control the Aquarius visually, to control the temperature, to give the food, to ignite and to extinguish the light;
Every week:
to control visually the Aquarius eventually to clean up the prefilters;
Every 15 days:
To replace from the 10 to 30% of the water, to clean up or to replace the materials of the prefilter (wool, sponge), to clean up the pump, to control the values of the water, reintegrare fertilizers, to control the operation of all the accessories of the Aquarius.
The plants need of nutriment, fertilizing introduce in the Aquarius nourishing substances for the plants. The fertilizers come introduced in forrma liquid or solid. The times of somministrazione vary from product to product. It is advised to follow the doses scrupulously in order to avoid accumulates of nourishing substances that would carry to the increase of the undesired ones alghe.
The degree of acidity of the water measure with the value of the ph is come measured in degrees ela its conventional scale goes from 0° to 14°. The value of the ph from 0° to 7° comes defined acid, a value from 7° to 14° comes defined alkaline. The value of 7° is considered neutral. The value of the ph in sweet water Aquarius the tropical must be next to the 7° (neutral), however oscillate between 6,5° (for waters holding, hard Discus) and 7,5°(per waters, es. ciclidi Africans).
Closely correlated to the Ph value and the value of the carbonatica hardness it is the quantitative one of carbon dioxide disciolto in the water; in fact greater it will be the carbonatica hardness (Kh) greater must be the quantitative one of carbon dioxide disciolta in the water in order to maintain the next value ph to the optimal values of sweet water Aquarius a tropical (6,5 - 7,5).
The carbonatica or temporary hardness indicates the content of charges of coal of soccer and magnesium disciolti in the water. The measurements come carried out in German degrees, and the optimal value in sweet water Aquarius a tropical is comprised between 3° (waters a lot to hold) and 7° (hard waters medium). The value of kh influences directly on the value of the ph of the Aquarius.
The hardness total indicates the total of knows them disciolti in the water comes measured in German degrees, and the optimal value for sweet water Aquarius a tropical is comprised between 6° and 14°.
The nitrites are the first step of the transformation of the ammonia, do not have to be present in the water of the Aquarius.
The nitrates are the last step of the "cycle of nitrogen", and stretch to accumulate themselves in the Aquarius. They are not dangerous as nitrites but to values it elevates to you can become it (+ 100 mg/lt).
It knows them of ortofosforico acid, optimal fertilizing substance, stretch to accumulate in the Aquarius being favored the increase of the alghe.
The metabolic refusals of the fish (urine I made) and the decomposition of organic substances (food) produces knows them of ammonium NH4+ which are transformed in ammonia NH3, highly toxic substance for the fish. The transformation of the ammonia in nitrites happens for means of bacteria of the sort Nitrosomonas. To they it turns nitrites come elaborates to you from bacteria of the sort Nitrobacter that transform them in nitrates. To this point in an atmosphere lacking in oxygen the nitrates come transform to you in gaseous nitrogen N2 completing the cycle.
For information info@eureka -
These rows have been dawned:22/06/2005